A/Professor Charlie Corke

Senior Staff Specialist


Charlie continues as a Senior Intensivist at University Hospital Geelong having been one of the three founding Intensivists to establish Intensive Care in Geelong.

Charlie undertook medical training at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. after training as a physician he converted to anaesthesia and finally settled on becoming an Intensive Care Specialist. After working in Hong Kong he came to Australia, initially working as Director of Intensive Care at the the Repatriation Hospital in Melbourne. In 1991 he became Director of Intensive Care at The Geelong Hospital, now University Hospital Geelong. He stepped down as Director to concentrate on his diverse medical interests.

He has had extensive involvement with the College of Intensive Care Medicine, serving as an examiner and executive member since 2003 including being CICM President from 2016-2018.